The 1st and 2nd year courses are core courses for both Christian Counselling and Theology. The 3rd year allows specialization and some electives courses for Christian Counselling and Theology are to be selected to be completed with the Core Courses. A Diploma Certificate is awarded at the end of the 3rd year.
The 4th year is towards a Bachelors Degree. In the 4th year, Theology students can take some Counselling courses, but the majority of their courses need to be from the Theology courses, which is same for Counselling Students as well.
The normal requirements for these courses are:
  • Regular attendance at all meetings of the class which includes distance learning students
  • Satisfactory and punctual completion of all course work and essays
  • Ensure to take all examinations
*Select courses below to see course descriptions.

The 1st year is designed for students to have a strong biblical foundation. The courses are designed to give students an in-depth understanding of the person of Jesus Christ through the study and application of God's word.

Core Courses

  • Bible Doctrines

  • Biblical Worship

  • Discipleship Training

  • Effective Prayer

  • Faith

  • Hermeneutics

  • Holy Spirit

  • Leadership 1

  • Life and Teachings of Christ

  • New Creation Realities

*Course subject and descriptions are subject to change.

  • New Testament Survey

The 2nd year of this course, the students are equipped with Biblical understanding required build and support a healthy Christian family and studying the scriptures on how to steward everything in our lives for the Glory of God.

Core Courses

  • Christian Family

  • Christian Stewardship

  • Church Planting

  • Discovering your Destiny

  • Eschatology

  • Leadership 2

  • Old Testament Survey

  • Principles of Authority

  • World Evangelism

*Course subject and descriptions are subject to change.

The 3rd Year – Advanced Diploma of Christian Leadership is awarded after the completion of these courses.

Core Courses

*Mandatory for both Christian Counselling & Theology 

Elective  Courses

*Choose Elective for either Christian Counselling & Theology


Christian Counselling:

*Course subject and descriptions are subject to change.

  • Church History

  • Hebrews

  • Leadership 3

  • Pastoral Care

  • Pastoral Theology

  • Christian Ethics in Counselling

  • Counselling 1

  • Counselling 2

  • Essentials of Pastoral Care

  • Foundations of Inner Healing

  • Introduction to Christian Psychology and Counselling

  • Effective Worship Ministry

  • Excellence in Ministry

  • Homiletics

  • Internship (Semester 1 & Semester 2; 3 Credits/Semester) 

The 4th year – Bachelors Degree in either Christian Counselling and Theology is awarded after the completion of these degree courses.

Christian Counselling:

  •  Intro to Human Sexuality
  • Counselling the Whole Man
  • Spirit/Soul Hinderances to Change
  • Grief Counselling
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Psychology of Christian Ethics
  • Sociology
  • Psychology of Stress
  • Counselling Theories
  • Marriage & Family
  • Experience of Grief


  • Systematic Theology 1
  • Systematic Theology 2
  • Systematic Theology 3
  • World Missions
  • Leadership Challenge
  • Apologetics – Facts for Creation
  • Leadership Development
  • Spiritual Warfare
  • Growing a Healthy Church
  • Leadership Character Markers
  • Old Testament Types & Shadows
  • Cultural Chaos: Lessons from 1 & 2 Corinthians

  • Pastoral Counselling 1
  • Pastoral Counselling 2
  • Mechanics of Research – Thesis Prep Course

General Degree Courses (Applicable for Christian Counselling or Theology):

*Course subject and descriptions are subject to change.

Bible Doctrines

Course Description:
 "To set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us." (Luke 1:1)

Objectives: By the conclusion of this course, the student will have:

  • Gained a thorough understanding of the major doctrines of the Christian Faith.
  • Been prepared for the defense of the faith – (1 Peter 3:15, Jude v. 3.)
  • The ability to intelligently discuss both sides of complex doctrinal issues.
  • An understanding of important Biblical terms and what they mean.

Biblical Worship

Course Description:
     In exploring Scripture, it is clear that God is looking for ‘lifestyle worshipers’. Jesus instructed us that God is seeking worshippers - those who would worship Him with both word and life (John 4).
     This course will examine the theology behind praise and worship, as well as how we can become ‘lifestyle worshippers’ today.

Discipleship Training

Course Objectives: The purpose of this course is:

  • To lead the students into a personal knowledge of God and intimacy with Jesus Christ.
  • To learn how to function in proper relationship to the body of Christ.
  • To harness the God-potential in your life through godly discipline and a proper understanding of God’s authority in your life.
  • To learn how to minister to those around you.
  • To learn how to disciple new converts and lead them into a place of full surrender and obedience to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Effective Prayer

Course Description:
This course consists of an in-depth examination of the nine kinds of prayer discussed in the New Testament, and the principles that govern them.

Objectives: The purpose of this course is:

  • To learn how to pray effectively in order to consistently receive answers to our prayers.
  • To draw close to God through the discipline of daily prayer.


Course Objectives

       The God-kind of faith is the same faith that God used to create the universe, and every born-again believer has been given "the measure" of it (Romans 12:3).
       The Bible tells us that without faith it's impossible to please God. Therefore, it's of utmost importance that every child of God learns Scriptural principles of faith, and how to increase their faith.
       We discover how to use faith to take hold of what belongs to us, how to see ourselves as God sees us, and why faith connects us to the supernatural so that we may dominate our natural circumstances. 


Course Description:
Hermeneutics is the study of the Art and Science of Biblical Interpretation. In this course, we endeavor to teach the student how to correctly interpret Scripture and “rightly divide the Word of Truth”.

Objectives: By the conclusion of this course, the student will:

  • Understand the principles of sound Biblical Interpretation, and know what “interpretation hazards” to avoid.
  • Have a clear understanding of the various dispensations and covenants found in Scripture and how to “rightly divide the Word of Truth.”
  • Understand the different writing styles that are used throughout Scripture and recognize the difference between literal and figurative language.
  • Gain experience in correctly using many of the study tools available today.

Holy Spirit

Course Objectives

  • To become acquainted with, and develop intimacy with the person of the Holy Spirit
  • To be able to prove through Scripture that the Baptism of the Spirit is a legitimate experience, separate from the experience of Salvation
  • To undertake an in-depth study of the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit
  • With the overall objective to be led by the Holy Spirit thereafter in everyday life and ministry. 

Leadership 1

Course Description:

      Everything rises and falls on leaders! Leadership is not just something we do – it is who we are and what we are becoming. “Good leadership” begins with a clear understanding of tested principles of management and human relations.
      This course will help even those without the spiritual gift of leadership skills so they will be able to effectively lead and influence others. Leadership I focuses on developing yourself as a leader.

Life and Teachings of Christ

Course Description:
This course is a study of the life and teachings of Christ as reflected in the four Gospels. Included is an in-depth study of each of His major discourses, as well as a comprehensive look at the miracles recorded in the Gospels.


  • To gain a clear understanding of the Person and teachings of Jesus Christ.
  • To receive clear answers to many of the “problem passages” in the gospels.
  • To gain insight into the one-on-one ministry of Jesus.
  • To understand how to receive and minister healing.

New Creation Realities

Course Description:
     The purpose of this course is to create within the student an awareness of what God has accomplished in us through the new birth.
     The revelation of who we are in Christ fundamentally affects every other New Testament truth. A proper Biblical understanding of this will allow us to operate effectively as believers in our relationship with God, Satan, and the world we live in.

Objectives: By the conclusion of this course, the student should:

  • Be assured of God's grace and blessing upon their lives.
  • Understand who you are in Christ today: Who He says you are and who He has made you to be in His great redemptive work.
  • Have a living picture of the entire substitutionary work of Christ. It is the legal background of our redemption.
  • Understand the inner secret of God's mighty purpose in the incarnation.

New Testament Survey

Course Description:

     This course is designed as an introduction to the New Testament. The understanding of this topic provides the student with the key themes, focus and intention of each book contained within the New Testament.
     The student will gain an overview of the background of each book’s writer, and the cultural, political and economic circumstances of the historical period in which it was written.

Christian Family

Course Description:

     The main purpose of this course is to equip students with a Biblical understanding of the basic elements required to build, attain, and support a healthy Christian family.
     This course will address the progression of intimate relationships throughout seasons of singleness, courtship, marriage, parenting, and beyond.

Objectives: Students will be equipped to navigate through relational challenges including:
  • Sexual integrity and identity
  • Physical/emotional/spiritual health and wellness
  • Conflict resolution, and
  • Wise money management. 

Christian Stewardship

Course Description:

     The Christian Life is in essence a “stewardship”. This means that all we have: resources, time, gifts, talents, relationships and money - we are not to possess as our own, but to steward and manage until the Lord returns.

     In this course, the objective is to instruct the students in the Biblical and common-sense approach to managing all that the Lord has placed in our care. We will be studying in the Scriptures how to steward everything in our lives for the Glory of God.

Church Planting

Course Description:

     Planting new churches is no optional activity - it forms the heart and soul of the Great Commission. It is desperately needed all around the world today. New churches infuse the body of Christ with new excitement, new ideas, new frontiers of ministry and new people. New churches are vital to the health and continued growth of the whole church.

Topics to be covered include:
  • Determining when to plant
  • How to create and plan a pre-launch checklist
  • Choosing the right launching strategy
  • Leading a planting team
  • Establishing a functional church government structure

Discovering Your Destiny

Course Description:

     God has created each one of us with specific spiritual gifts and talents. Each one of us was designed for a purpose to function in the body of Christ. This course is designed to help each student find and fulfill the call of God for their lives. Tests will be given to help each student evaluate their own spiritual gifting, personality and temperament, natural abilities, and then will focus on leadership development.

Topics to be covered include:
  • Finding and fulfilling the call of God on your life
  • Our destiny as Christ followers
  • Your personality and temperament
  • The personality of a leader
  • Discovering your gifts, talents, and dreams
  • and many more.....


Course Description:

     In this course, we will examine the Bible's teachings concerning future events, beginning with the rapture of the church and concluding with the new heavens and the new earth. Included in the course is a look at the current events in the light of the Bible prophecy, a chronology of end-time events (including an examination of each of the popular "rapture theories" held within the body of Christ), and an overview of the book of Revelation.

The course will cover the following:
  • Signs of the end times.
  • Chronology of the end time events.
         - "Time line" of the end times
         - The Olivet Discourse: Matthew 24-25
         - Overview of Daniel: Daniel's 70 weeks
         - Events of the tribulation period
         - The future of the church and planet earth
  • Study of the book of Revelation 

Leadership 2

Course Description:

     The key role of a good leader is not merely to direct followers effectively, but to help them develop their own potential and become capable leaders in their own right. Leaders get things done. The leader who can develop the leadership potential in those around him will be able to vastly increase the scope of what can be accomplished.
     This course teaches you, as a leader, to know how to develop those around you into capable leaders. To build on the personal development principles learned in Leadership 1 and enable students to understand the principles of leading others.

Objectives: By the end of the course a student should be able to:
  • Understand how vision is applied to leadership
  • Recognize leadership potential in others for leadership
  • Design a strategy to prepare others for leadership
  • Oversee and direct others as a leader

Old Testament Survey

Course Description:

     This course will increase your overall understanding and appreciation of the older (and perhaps less used) half of your Bible. It will allow you to demonstrate an ability to use it skillfully and find things quickly. We will emphasize each book's basic theme, structure and spiritual truths, as well as developing a high-level overview of the Genesis to Malachi's story line.

Principles of Authority

Course Description:

     We live in a culture that doesn’t rightly understand God’s intentional design for authority. In this class we will explore the origin and divine plan for God’s delegated authority on the earth and in the spiritual realm. After completing this course, each student should have a clear understand of how to live under authority and of his/her own personal authority to live triumphantly, through Christ Jesus and the finished work of the cross. 

World Evangelism

Course Description:

     To equip students to fulfill the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.

Church History

Course Description:

     Beginning with only a handful of oppressed Jewish believers, the church now enfolds, at least in nominal belief, almost one billion people. Church History could be described as a series of revivals and declines, each successive restoration carrying it further than before. It is aggressively evangelistic.
     Church History covers the world at the time of Christ, the birth of the Church, the old Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the Reformation, the Evangelical era, the Pentecostal Church and modern outpourings and revivals.


Course Description:

     This course is designed to give students a thorough understanding of the Epistle to the Hebrews, its general outlines, and its relevance to the church today.

Leadership 3

Course Description:

     This course is designed as an advanced leadership training class, moving past personal leadership to the leadership of teams and organizations.
     The topic provides the students with the understanding of training, reproducing and releasing leaders, effective delegation, building a team, working with volunteers, and effective coaching of staff.
     It will also provide a brief overview of the legal requirements in starting a church, including discussion on human resources and the Canada Revenue Agency. 

Pastoral Care

Course Description:

     This course is designed as an introduction to the Biblical concept of pastoral care. The understanding of this topic provides the student with the basic concepts as outlined in Scripture, as well as the different methodologies and strategies for effective pastoral care in the local church.
     A specific emphasis will be placed on the vital need of establishing and maintaining a small group ministry.

Pastoral Theology

Course Description:

     This course familiarizes students with the responsibilities, duties and qualifications of a full-time minister.
     It enables a student to recognize whether he or she has the call into full-time ministry, and provides practical and scriptural theory concerning the roles, duties and responsibilities of pastors and other full-time ministers.

Christian Ethics in Counselling

Course Description:

     This course will discuss Christian ethical issues that a counsellor will encounter. Each student will start to discover what ethics means to them as a professional and begin to incorporate ethical standards into their counselling methods.

Counselling 1

Course Description:

     This course is intended to help students:
  • To understand the dynamics of issues and identify what people need counselling for.
  • To identify common problems presented in a counselling office.
  • To understand and be able to help people work through issues.
  • To understand and be able to apply basic skills of counselling to assist individuals in a supportive, ethical manner.
  • To understand when professional help is needed.

Counselling 2

Course Description:

     This course is intended to help students:
  • To understand the deeper problems presented in a counselling office
  • To understand how to counsel families and couples
  • To understand how to counsel children and Adolescence
  • To recognize common mental disorders
  • To learn different strategies to help your client work through issues

Essentials of Pastoral Care

Course Description:

     This course is designed as an introduction to the Biblical concept of Pastoral Care. The understanding of this topic provides the student with the basic concepts as outlined in Scripture, as well as the different methodologies and strategies for effective Pastoral Care in the local church. A specific emphasis will be on equipping students with the knowledge and skills they need to provide Pastoral Care.

Foundations of Inner Healing

Course Description:

     The student will focus on specific areas that restrict individuals from maturing into healthy relational beings. This introductory course will unmask the effects of sin, ongoing cycles and undercurrents that leave individuals searching for meaning and purpose. This course is intended to equip VBCI students and enable them to guide others into empowered and abundant living.

Introduction to Christian Psychology and Counselling

Course Description:

     To be provided soon

Effective Worship Ministry

Course Description:

     A holistic approach to Christian worship ministry in the Church. Whether you’re training to be a Lead Pastor, Worship Leader, Missionary, or a Children’s Church Director - worship ministry touches them all.
     We are all called to be worshippers, not just the musicians and singers. Worship is integral to every ministry within the local Church body. For it to be the most effective, the different ministries must learn to develop a culture of worship together, and understand the priorities and essentials of fruitful worship.

Excellence in Ministry

Course Description:

     In Malachi 1, the Lord rebukes His people Israel because they had a propensity to offer to Him less than their very best. For sure, they had offered something, but it wasn’t the very best they had to offer.
     God took it as an insult then, and there is no doubt He does so now. We need to first get a vision for excellence, and then strive for excellence in every area of life and ministry. This course will begin to explore and further this process.


Course Description:

     This course provides a comprehensive look at both the historical, theological, and practical aspects regarding the subject of Homiletics. Through this study we will seek to learn how we, as both students and preachers of God's Word, can build clear, comprehensible bridges between the world of scripture and the contemporary age in which we live.
     The student will learn both the Biblical foundation from preaching and very practical ways to strengthen and enhance their preaching ability.